Rust Doc Days Follow Up
A few weeks ago, I mentioned Rust Doc Days. This was an event where the Rust community made a conscious effort to improve Rust’s documentation. Throughout this blog post, “we” refers to the quasi-official Rust docs team.
How did it go?
The first Rust Doc Days was, we felt, a successful event. We deliberately kept the event low key to try to work the kinks out. Over the two days, a few pull requests with new documentation were made. You can see the list below:
Thanks to Guillaume Gomez for putting the list of PRs together in This Week in Rust Docs. On the whole, we felt like we all could have done more, but we made a good showing. Most importantly, though, we got new people to contribute documentation! Documentation is something that normally feels like housekeeping - we don’t want to do it, but we do it when friends and relatives are coming over. Working on documentation at the same time as other people was helpful - it’s easier to clean when someone else is there with you.
What’s Next?
Right now, not a whole lot. We’re regrouping and working on a few documentation RFCs. We’d like to plan another Rust Doc Days event for the future and put more effort into bringing new people in as well as streamlining the event.